Author: schnepsrestagent

Queens Together to host third annual International Food Expo in Corona next week

Guests at a previous Queens Together International Food Expo. Photo: Queens Together

Nov. 27, 2024 By Shane O’Brien Queens Together, a non-profit dedicated to fighting food insecurity and hunger, will host its third annual International Food Expo in Corona next week, bringing together more than 40 Queens-based restaurants. The food expo will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 5, at the New…

Fashion police: Queens couple busted for stealing and dealing $2 million in hot retail merchandise ahead of Black Friday


Two Queens residents allegedly responsible for dealing $2 million in stolen retail goods were busted in a crackdown that Gov. Kathy Hochul and Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz announced Tuesday. The bust occurred just days before the biggest shopping day of the holiday season, Black Friday — something that officials drove home during the…

New York state passes González-Rojas bill to provide continuous healthcare coverage for children under six

Nov. 26, 2024 By sobrien Nov. 26, 2024 By Shane O’Brien Children in New York State are now eligible for continuous healthcare coverage from birth until the age of six after a bill introduced by Queens Assembly Member Jessica González-Rojas and State Sen. Samra Brouk of Rochester passed in the state budget. González-Rojas and Brouk… Read more »

Holiday tree lighting ceremonies around the borough to mark the start of the season

tree lighting

Nov. 26, 2024 By Colum Motherway As December approaches, neighborhoods across Queens prepare to shine bright with festive holiday lights. One of the best ways to kick off the holiday season is to attend one of the many annual Tree-Lighting ceremonies throughout the borough. Here’s a guide to the dates and times of local…

Op-Ed: Raising awareness for lung cancer in New York

blue ribbon colorectal cancer awareness

Nov. 26, 2024 By Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr. Did you know that 1 in 16 people will get lung cancer in their lifetime? Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S., according to the American Lung Association. As we observe Lung Cancer Awareness Month this November, it is crucial…