Gov. Cuomo in Albany Jan. 29, 2021
Jan. 29, 2021 By Allie Griffin
Indoor dining will resume on Valentine’s Day at 25 percent capacity across the five boroughs, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Friday.
Cuomo said he lifted the indoor dining ban — which began on Dec. 14 — based on the decline in the COVID-19 positivity rate.
The citywide positivity rate dipped to 4.9 percent yesterday from 7.1 percent on Jan. 5, according to state numbers. The rate, based on projection models, is expected to drop further in coming weeks, Cuomo said.
The announcement is welcome news for restaurant owners who have lost significant revenue since the restriction was put in place.
Cold weather has hampered business for outdoor dining forcing many establishments to close for the winter season — if not for good. Takeout and delivery has brought in modest business for most.
Elsewhere across the state, indoor dining has remained open despite the fact that most regions have had a higher COVID-19 positivity rate than New York City. Cuomo said the city’s high density called for greater restrictions.